
    Introducing a Brand New NotifyLog Node.js SDK

    We're excited to announce the release of our official NotifyLog Node.js SDK! This new SDK simplifies the process of integrating into your JavaScript or TypeScript applications.

    Introducing a Brand New NotifyLog Node.js SDK

    The NotifyLog SDK offers a seamless and efficient way to send real-time notifications and manage events in your applications. Here's a simple example to demonstrate its usage:

    import { NotifyLog } from 'notifylog';
    const notifylog = new NotifyLog('your-api-key-here');
    await notifylog.publish({
      event: "user-signup",
      title: "New User Signup",
      description: "A new user has signed up.",
      channel: "user-notifications",
      icon: "🎉",
      notify: true,
      properties: {
        username: "new_user",
        email: "[email protected]"
      identity: {
        email: "[email protected]"

    This SDK not only streamlines the process of integrating real-time notifications into your applications but also ensures that your event management is both reliable and easy to understand.

    Getting Started

    To begin using the NotifyLog SDK in your projects, you can install it via npm with the following command:

    npm install notifylog

    For a comprehensive guide on how to utilize the SDK, including its advanced features and customization options, refer to our official documentation.

    Start leveraging the capabilities of NotifyLog in your JavaScript or TypeScript projects today. We're excited to see the innovative ways you'll integrate real-time notifications into your applications!


    Streamline Your Workflow with Real-Time Event Tracking

    Ditch the complexity of scattered systems and embrace NotifyLog's seamless event tracking to enhance your operational efficiency.